International Kaar – Dec. 2019
In This Issue: An assessment of the November uprising / On Lebanese and Iraqi people’s uprising against poverty, corruption and sectarian ruling system / Stop the aggressive attack and war of the fascist Turkish regime on Rojava!

An assessment of the November uprising
A triple increase in the petrol price to 30,000 rials a litre (about 0.27 dollar) – which was announced at midnight – led to a massive protest from early hours of Friday 15 November and spread across the country quickly.

On Lebanese and Iraqi people’s uprising against poverty, corruption and sectarian ruling system
The Middle East has plunged into a political turmoil. Political upheaval has swept the whole region. Demonstrations, riots, civil wars, regional conflicts, all-out crises gripped religious corrupt and plundering government, sectarian clashes, the intervention and military expeditions by imperialist aggressing powers are the characteristics of the current political conditions of the Middle East.

The life’s of those arrested in November 2019 in Iran is in danger!
After the revolutionary uprising of youth, women and all masses, who can no longer endure the prevailing circumstances, has subsided , the criminal rulers in Iran are boasting, that the repressive organs and the justice of the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic are preparing for the execution of the arrested youth.

Islamic Republic is dying, long live a soviet government!
Last week, the regime's supreme leader Khamenei convoked a meeting with President Rouhani and the cabinet. The meeting discussed economic problems and social crises that have panicked the regime's officials.

Iranian Economy in the Past Year
As we had predicted a stagflationary economic crisis, poverty, unemployment and class gap grew in 2017, and our analyses were proved as the time passed.

Message to the strong and freedom-loving people of Iran
The stormy street protests in various cities throughout the country shook the pillars of the oppressive and reactionary palace of the oppressors and robbed them of their sleep.

Stop the aggressive attack and war of the fascist Turkish regime on Rojava!
On Wednesday, 09.10.2019, the reactionary Turkish regime launched a long-planned fascist war of aggression on Rojava (northern Syria) coordinated with NATO partners.

We condemn the heinous terrorist Crime in New Zealand!
The hatred and violence of racist terrorism that struck last Friday, March 15, in two mosques in Christchurch has killed many people.