Our Program

The program of organisation of Fedaian (Aghaliyat)

The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) which defends the interests of the working class in particular and from the working class position defends the interests of all toiling masses of Iran , announces it’s aims and objectives openly as a programme.

This programme which is in fact the Iranian Workers’ indictment against the capitalist system based on oppression and exploitation, a programme which is reckoned as the inevitable conviction document of this system, at the same time, it is the ultimate war declaration on all capitalists and reactionaries who are the defenders of the present deplorable situation and the system based on slavery of the wage labour.

The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat), in order to realise these aims, which are not separate from the aims and interests of the working class, calls all exploited and oppressed workers and toilers of Iran to organise and unite on the basis of this programme.

* * *

  1. Development of the international trade and production for the world market has created such close relations among all the world’s nations that the great proletarian liberation movement inevitably has to be internationalised and has been so since long ago.

As the followers of the path of the Communist Party of Iran, established in 1920, which was the only revolutionary class organisation of Iranian workers, we regard ourselves as a battalion of the World Proletarian Army, a part of the World Communist Movement and are struggling for the same ultimate goal that communists of the whole world do.

This ultimate goal has been determined by the character and the trend of development of the capitalist society.

  1. The capitalist mode of production, which it’s main specific principal is the commodity production based on capitalist relations of production, under which the most important and major part of means of production and exchange belong to a limited Aghaliyat, while the majority of the population consisting of the proletariat and semi – proletariat due to their economic position are compelled to sell their labour power to capitalists continually or periodically, be exploited and with their labour create the income of the rich classes, prevailed in Iran by the transformations that took place in 1960s.
  2. These transformations which took place on the basis of gradual and protracted growth of commodity production relations and also the need of the imperialistic capitals, spread the commodity production relations to the remotest points of the country. Prior to the reforms of early Sixties, Iran had settled in the imperialist world system of division of labour as a producer of single product of oil, thence it was merged comprehensively in the world system of imperialistic economy and became dependant on it.
  3. Domination of the capitalist mode of production in Iran, which was accompanied by the increasing export of imperialistic capital, expansion of modern industry and use of new technologies, has resulted in continuos ousting of small enterprises by large ones. The small producers who do not have the strength to resist the large enterprises are continuously ruined, some become proletarian, the role of others becomes limited in the economical and social arenas and in some cases painfully dependant on capital.
  4. Technical advances that enable the capitalists to increasingly use the labour of women and children in the process of production and exchange, has resulted in the demand for work force to fall continuously behind it’s supply and increase the dependency of wage worker on capital and capitalists finding greater means to raise the degree of exploitation of workers. The limited ability of the dependant capitalism of Iran to absorb the work force has intensified this process.

Therefore the existence of a huge army of unemployed has resulted in workers supplying their labour power cheaply, being exposed to oppression and more intense exploitation and the degree of their exploitation to increase extraordinarily.

  1. Economic crises resulting from inherent contradictions of capitalism that unavoidably appear periodically and in Iran due to economic dependency are intensified continuously, with little precedent and get longer, further accelerate this process. Crises and stagnation cycles from one side bankrupt the small producer severely and from the other the dependency of the wage worker on the capital increases and more rapidly leads to relative and sometimes absolute grave situation for the working class. Poverty and misery, lack of trust in future and social security increase daily, inequality and the gap between the wealthy and indigents get deeper and wider continually.
  2. Hence in proportion to the growth and development of inherent contradictions of capitalism, workers’ dissatisfaction and protest increase, their strength and solidarity grow, their struggle against exploiters and efforts for emancipation from the unbearable yoke of capitalism intensify. At the same time, the development process of capitalism by concentrating the means of production and exchange and socialisation of work process in capitalist enterprises, continually brings about the material possibility of substitution of capitalist relations of production with socialist relations of production; in other words the material conditions for social revolution which is the ultimate aim of all the activities of the communists is prepared more.
  3. The proletarian social revolution by substituting the private ownership of means of production and exchange with social ownership, organised and planned social production will end social inequality, exploitation of human by human and division of society to classes; as such it will emancipate the whole of oppressed humanity.
  4. The prerequisite for social revolution is the dictatorship of the proletariat – the acquisition of that political power which enables the working class to crush the resistance of exploiters, provides the broadest democracy for the workers and toilers, removes all obstacles on the path to it’s great target and the socialist reorganisation of society.
  5. The emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the working class itself, because all other classes of society in spite of their differences of interests amongst themselves want to preserve the foundations of the capitalist system.
  6. The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) assumes the duty to reveal the irreconcilable antagonism between the workers and capitalists, to explain to the proletariat the historical importance and prerequisites for social revolution, to reveal the incurable status of the other toiling and exploited masses in the capitalist society, and also the need for a social revolution for their emancipation from the yoke of capital.

* The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) calls all strata of toiling and exploited masses to join its ranks in so far as they adopt the standpoint of proletariat.

* The Organisation of Fedaani (Aghaliyat) assumes itself duty bound to work hard for the formation of the Communist Party of Iran that would be able to lead the proletariat’s class struggle in all forms of its manifestations to attain the ultimate goal.

  1. The world capitalism has stepped on to the imperialist stage which is the highest stage of capitalist evolution since the beginning of the 20th century.

* Imperialism is that stage of the economic evolution of capitalist system in which the monopolies have gained the decisive role. The banking capital has merged with the industrial capital. Export of capital to foreign countries has assumed vast dimensions. The entire world is divided among the imperialist countries territorially and politically, and the economic division of the world among the international monopolies has commenced.

* At this stage of capitalist evolution, imperialist wars that the most evident examples of which have been I & II World Wars, have become inevitable in order to dominate the world, acquire new markets and subordinate backward nations.

* The extra ordinary high level of the capitalist evolution, the extra ordinary high concentration of production which has taken the process of socialisation of production to it’s highest limit, the dominance of monopolies and financial capital, growth of militarism and dangers and disasters of imperialist wars, the huge obstacles which imperialism has placed on the path of political and economic struggles of working class, increase in cost of living and pressures emanating from that, poverty, misery and lack of confidence in future, all these factors, have converted the present stage of capitalism to the era of proletarian revolutions – the most evident appearance of which has been the Great Socialist October Revolution.

* Only proletarian socialist revolution can rescue the humanity from the evil of war and all disasters that imperialism has created.

  1. The coming of the era of proletarian revolutions has made the issue of all round preparation of the proletariat for the acquisition of political power, overthrow of the capitalist system and establishment of socialism the urgent task of the day.

* The fulfilment of this task requires an all round struggle against and decisive break from all forms of opportunism that, hetromorphically, are considered as obstacles on the path of development of class struggle, the historical mission, ultimate aim, unity and international solidarity of the proletariat.

* The most evident sample of bourgeois perversion of socialism – is social democracy and the other opportunist-reformist trends that with practical and theoretical negation of the dictatorship of proletariat, necessity of abolition of private property and denial of the present era as the era of proletarian revolutions, negate and tamper with Marxism – Leninism and have adopted the policy of class compromise with the bourgeoisie. All these trends are considered as renegades and traitors to the working class.

* On the path to their ultimate common goals, which is conditioned by preponderance of the capitalist mode of production throughout the world, communists of different countries are obliged to set themselves dissimilar immediate tasks. Because, capitalism has not developed to the same degree in all countries and in different countries, capitalism develops in various political and social environments.

* In Iran, where capitalism has at present become the prevalent mode of production, due to imperialist sway, economic dependence and numerous remains of pre-capitalist systems which are important obstacles hindering the economic progress and complete and all round expansion of proletariat’s class struggle, economic and political oppression imposed on millions of masses of people, naked and unbridled dictatorship that as an inseparable part of the political super-structure of the dependant capitalism, has kept the broad mass of people in ignorance and subjection, the proletariat of Iran can not assume socialist revolution as it’s immediate target.

* Thence, Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) adopts as it’s primary and immediate task the overthrow of the reactionary regime of the Islamic Republic and establishment of soviet state in the direction of toppling the domination of Imperialism and it’s social base (dependant bourgeoisie), severing any type of economic, political and military dependence on imperialism and democratisation of the society to facilitate the conditions for transition to socialism.

Iran ‘s Revolution is a part of the World Socialist Proletarian Revolution.

* soviet state that is the product of armed uprising of the masses and considered as the crystallisation of their will, is a mass democracy in which the exertion of direct and without- intermediary rule of the masses replaces the bureaucracy, army, police and all armed professional forces alien to people.

Hence, in soviet state:

  1. The army, the Pasdaran corps, forces of order, the Basij corps and all professional armed forces alien to people will be dissolved and general arming of people and mass army will replace them.
  2. The whole of bureaucratic apparatus will be wound up and exertion of the masses’ direct rule via councils that would function as both legislative and executive institutions established.
  3. The system of appointment of authorities will be abolished and elective system for all ranks and authorities established. Officials will receive a salary equal to an average wage of a skilled worker.
  4. The existing judiciary system will be dissolved and people’s courts established.

In the Constitution of soviet state the following tenor must be guaranteed :

  1. The principle of sovereignty of the masses to govern – The state power must be in the hands of the elected representatives of the masses who can be dismissed by the electorate at any time.
  2. Election of the judiciary and all state and military officials.
  3. General arming of people and replacement of all professional armed forces by the mass army.
  4. Country wide congress of councils of representatives of workers, peasants and other toiling strata of the town and country as the supreme state organ.
  5. The right to universal, equal, direct and secret vote for all individual women and men who have reached age of 18.
  6. Immunity of individual and his/her place of residence.
  7. Freedom of travel, residence and occupation.
  8. Freedom of correspondence.
  9. Abolition of any type of inspection/search, torture and espionage.
  10. Freedom of thought and opinion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of political parties and organisations, workers unions, councils and all trade and democratic formations, freedom of assembly, demonstrations and strike.
  11. Complete separation of religion from state and schools, schools must be absolutely non-religious.
  12. Abolition of all limitations and restrictions imposed on religious minorities.
  13. Equality of the rights of all citizens of the country irrespective of their opinion, race, gender, tribe and nationality.

14 . Abolition of any form of discrimination based on gender and fruition of entire social and political rights of women equal to that of men.

* Equal rights for women and men in the matters of divorce, inheritance and supporting children.

15 . Guarantee of the right to self determination to the extent of separation

and formation of independent states for all the nationalities inhabiting Iran .

* It is in the interest of the working class and toilers of the oppressed nationalities of Iran to collectively establish a powerful state, however this unity is not obligatory but free and voluntary.

16 . Broad regional autonomy for all nationalities that freely and voluntarily form the country.

17 . Abolition of any kind of privilege and/or imposition of national, tribal, cultural and racial oppression.

18 . Abolition of the official compulsory language; and providing the provincial citizens with the right to education in their mother tongue in

schools, state institutions and usage in public places.

We also demand the following universal measures:

  1. Free and compulsory education up to the end of intermediate school, all pupils to benefit from school meals, clothing, educational facilities and transport at the state’s expense.

* Free further education

* Revolutionary and fundamental changes to the existing educational system, urgent measures in the direction of a revolutionary struggle to eradicate illiteracy.

* Establishment of closest link between school and productive social labour, combining theoretical and practical education.

  1. Free health and treatment, development of clinics and hospitals, development of nurseries, kindergartens and health and medical education institutes.
  2. Housing provision and adjustment of rents.

* All peoples of Iran must enjoy suitable housing. Realisation of this demand of the toiling mass of people requires the implementation of an all encompassing programme to build a large number of houses.

* So long as the housing problem is not fundamentally solved, the following immediate measures must be implemented:

* All surplus government buildings and confiscated buildings must be put at the disposal of toilers as housing.

* Rents must be determined and implemented in proportion to the level of workers wages and a portion of housing costs provided through government subsidy.

4.Creation of work for the unemployed, job security, insurance against unemployment and payment of an unemployment benefit to the unemployed equal to the expenses of a 5 person worker family.

5.Provision of living facilities for the elderly, uncared for children and establishment of dedicated centres for their care at the state’s expense.

For a practical struggle in the direction of overthrowing the imperialist domination, severing dependence, democratisation of country’s economy, development of economy and general welfare of workers and toilers, We demand the execution of the following measures:

  1. Nationalisation of the entire industries and enterprises belonging to big bourgeoisie, imperialist monopolies, religious institutes and establishments.
  2. Nationalisation of banks and centralisation of all of them in a single bank.
  3. Nationalisation of insurance companies and centralisation of all of them in a single institution.
  4. Nationalisation of large communication and transport institutions.
  5. Nationalisation of foreign trade and planned distribution of commodities through co-operatives.
  6. Compulsory centralisation of owners of those industries and enterprises that their capital in the present stage of revolution would not be nationalised, in unions and syndicates of the owners of industries.
  7. Creation and expansion of heavy industries.
  8. Abolition of trade secrecy in order to enforce a real control over production and distribution.
  9. Control over production in all industries, factories and establishments by council of workers, and also mass control over distribution.
  10. Abolition of all the enslaving imperialist contracts and disclosure of their tenor for the information of the whole people.
  11. Abolition of all indirect taxes; and levy of ascending taxation on wealth, income and inheritance.

The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat), for immunisation of the working class against physical and mental exhaustion, and expansion of their strength in the struggle for emancipation, propounds the following demands:

  1. 40 hours work, two consecutive days rest in a week and one month annual leave with full pay.
  2. Reduction of daily hours of work for mining workers, and workers in industries and other establishments with hard and hazardous working conditions, to 6 hours work in a day and 30 hours in a week.
  3. Counting time spent for travel to and from work, eating food, education and bathing as work hours.

4.Complete ban of overtime work.

  1. Prohibition of system of payment of wages in kind, prohibition of piece-work and contract work.
  2. Prohibition of night shift in all branches of economy except in cases where for technical or welfare reasons it is absolutely essential and confirmed by workers organisations – and that for a maximum of four hours.
  3. Prohibition of employment of children during the education age below 18 years.
  4. Prohibition of employment of women in those fields which are damaging to their health.
  5. Women to enjoy equal wage and full benefits to that of men for equal work.
  6. One month pre and three months post childbirth leave without loss of wages for pregnant women, benefiting from free medical treatment, medicine and health facilities.
  7. Women to enjoy facilities like nursery, kindergarten, the right to keep and attend to infants at place of work.

* Counting time spent on attending and calling to see infants as hours of work.

  1. Workers to receive child benefit.
  2. Prohibition of deduction of wages under the pretext of fines, compensation and absence, etc.
  3. Determination of workers’ minimum wages in proportion to the level of living expenses and that of securing the existence of a worker family of five.
  4. Workers’ base wage to increase in proportion to the level of living expenses once a year.
  5. Prohibition of dismissal of workers by the employer.

Representatives elected by workers gaining the right to decide on dismissals and supervise recruitment.

  1. Workers’ full social insurance; unemployment, accidents, loss of limb, injury, indolence, wearing out, occupational diseases and disability insurance.
  2. An organised and complete health control over all enterprises, work place safety, free health and treatment services and payment of full wages for sickness period.
  3. Taking into account periods of unemployment as part of workers’ work record.
  4. Retirement conditions for men to be a maximum of 55 years age or 25 years work record, for women a maximum of 50 years age or 20 years work record, and in fields which workers face difficult, hazardous and detrimental conditions a maximum of 45 years age or 20 years work record.
  5. Arrangement of Internal rules and regulations of all production centres with the supervision and ratification of workers representatives.
  6. Compilation of labour law with the participation, supervision and ratification of workers’ organisations and assemblies.
  7. Creation of work for the unemployed and payment of unemployment benefit equal to the expenses of a five member worker family to unemployed workers.
  8. Freedom of workers unions and the right to strike with full payment of workers’ wages during strike.
  9. Equal wages for agricultural, professional and service workers to that of industrial workers.

In order to end all remnants of feudal relations, expand class struggle in villages and increase the rural toilers welfare level, the I Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) demands the execution of the following agrarian programme:

  1. Nationalisation of all lands, pastures, forests, natural and underground resources.
  2. Immediate confiscation of all lands, estates and means of production belonging to big landlords, numerous religious endowed properties (Moghofaat) and institutions; and their immediate transfer to peasants organised in councils and unions of peasants.
  3. Support to the peasants’ movement for land confiscation, as long as they have a revolutionary and democratic character.
  4. Mechanised lands and generally all lands that are cultivated by advanced methods, without being divided, must be put under the control of agricultural workers’ councils.
  5. Organisation of small cultivators in co-operatives, encouragement of peasants to cultivate collectively and establishment of large agricultural units in order to economise labour and production costs.
  6. Abolition of all peasants’ debts to government, banks and all financial institutions of capitalists, feudals and usurers.
  7. Provision of interest free loans to peasants and all types of technological assistance such as machines, fertilisers and seeds, etc.
  8. Construction and expansion of roads, country wide irrigation and electricity networks in rural areas.
  9. Rural workers to benefit from equal conditions and benefits to that of urban workers.
  10. Establishment and expansion of treatment, health and cultural/educational centres for the welfare of rural dwellers.

* Furthermore, the Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) assumes the duty to endeavour for independent class organisation of the rural proletariat, explain the irreconcilable antagonism which exists between them and the rural bourgeoisie and also the need for a socialist revolution.

In the field of Foreign Policy We demand the execution of the following measures:

  1. Material and moral support and assistance for the Revolutionary Movement of the Working Class and Revolutionary- Democratic Anti Imperialist Movements in the whole world.
  2. Abolition of the practice of secret diplomacy; and informing the whole people of all discussions, negotiations, signing of contracts and treaties with other governments.

Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat), on the path of struggle for the above demands, supports any revolutionary and opposition movement that is opposed to the existing social and political system in Iran . However, at the same time, it decisively condemns and rejects all reformist efforts that guarantee the stabilisation or expansion of police and bureaucratic interference in the life of the masses of people.

Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) believes the realisation of the above demands will be possible only by the overthrow of the reactionary regime of Islamic Republic and establishment of a soviet state under the leadership of the working class.