About us

Organisation of Fedaian (Minority) is a communist organisation that fights for overthrowing of capitalist order and establishing of a communist society.

Organisations of Fedaian (Minority) fights for establishing a society without classes where every sort of exploitation, oppression, discrimination, social inequality and suppression are abolished. All the society’s free and equal members live in happiness, welfare and their abilities are thrived.

The immediate goal of the Organisation of Fedaian (Minority) is overthrowing the Islamic Republic of Iran and establishing the Soviet State of Workers and Toilers. Soviet State, which is the manifestation of the most consequent and complete form of democracy, will establish the broadest and most complete form of political freedoms, and with fulfillment the democratic, social and welfare demands the socialistic changes will begin.

Long live Socialism!


The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) which defends the interests of the working class in particular and from the working class position defends the interests of all toiling masses of Iran , announces it’s aims and objectives openly as a programme.

This programme which is in fact the Iranian Workers’ indictment against the capitalist system based on oppression and exploitation, a programme which is reckoned as the inevitable conviction document of this system, at the same time, it is the ultimate war declaration on all capitalists and reactionaries who are the defenders of the present deplorable situation and the system based on slavery of the wage labour.

The Organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat), in order to realise these aims, which are not separate from the aims and interests of the working class, calls all exploited and oppressed workers and toilers of Iran to organise and unite on the basis of this programme.

A brief history of organisation of Fadaian (Aghaliyat)

At the same time as the growth of capitalist relations at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the Iranian working class started to grow. Despite all the obstacles and limits which imperialism and international finance capital had put on the “free” and rapid developement of capitalism in Iran, their influence has caused the capitalist alteration process to take place at a slower rate and the Iranian working class had already grown by the beginning of the 20th century. The first trade unions were founded at the same time during the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Iran called “The Constitutional revolution (1905 – 1911)”. The first social democratic cells appeared at this time, and social democratic circles were formed.