The life’s of those arrested in November 2019 in Iran is in danger!

After the revolutionary uprising of youth, women and all masses, who can no longer endure the prevailing circumstances, has subsided , the criminal rulers in Iran are boasting, that the repressive organs and the justice of the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic are preparing for the execution of the arrested youth. Their protest was sparked by the tripling of gasoline prices and rapidly covered the whole country.

Since the beginning of the protests, the Islamic Republic has brutally suppressed them and murdered many protesters. The extent of these crimes is so great that so far no precise information is available on the number of murdered,wounded and detainees. Amnesty International recently spoke of 143 dead and pointed out that they were killed using “firearms”. Social networks speak of over 300 victims so far. There are also hundreds of wounded and thousands of arrests, the latter being threatened with “maximum punishment”.

The condition for the planned suppression of the protesters was laid by Khamenei, because he called them “villains”. Now the organs of the regime are demanding their execution. These threats need to be taken seriously. That is, regardless of whether the Islamic Republic wants to intimidate the population, and whether the poor situation of the regime at home and abroad allows or prevents the execution of these crimes. It is therefore urgent to use all possible means to support the detainees.

The organization of the Fadaian (Aghaliyat) strongly condemns the repression and murder of protesting youth, women and all working people, and calls for their immediate and unconditional release.

The organization of the Fadaian (Aghaliyat) warns of the grave danger of executing the detainees and calls on all left-wing and communist organizations, progressive and freedom-loving forces to fully support the detainees by all available means.

Down with the regime of the Islamic Republic – Long live the council government

Long live freedom – long live socialism

Down with the capitalist order

Organizations of Fadaian (Aghaliyat)
25 November 2019

Work – Bread – Freedom – Council Government