Message to the strong and freedom-loving people of Iran

The stormy street protests in various cities throughout the country shook the pillars of the oppressive and reactionary palace of the oppressors and robbed them of their sleep. News of the unleashed insurgency, the courage and the will to oppose and put an end to the misery created by the Islamic government were visible in prime time worldwide.

The Fadaian Executive Committee (aghaliyat) strongly supports the protests against poverty, inflation, injustice and discrimination and against the criminal and corrupt regime in Iran, which has caused all of this.

The majority of the population, the workers, teachers, nurses, pensioners and other members of the underclass live below the poverty line. Therefore, their powerful uprising against a host of exploiting parasites that have undermined all the economic sectors and taken the wealth of society is justified and supported by many people around the world. The fight for “work, bread and freedom” should be continued, so that the street protests can connect with the waves of strikes of workers, teachers, nurses and other working people. Only through this union can the tyrannical regime be overthrown.

Organization Fadaian (aghaliyat) is with them with all our strength. We defend and support your demands and claims!

The days of the Islamic Republic are numbered, and you, the working masses, can take your destiny in your own hands by setting up the Council Republic.

With hope for the victory of the working people!

Down with the Islamic regime in Iran!

Long live the Council Republic!

Executive Committee of the organization

Fadaian (aghaliyat)

Dec. 31, 2017