Long live the international solidarity of workers

On the eve of May 1st, the capitalist world is faced with a profound economic, political and social crisis. Not only has world capitalism failed to return to pre-crisis conditions in 2007, but the continuation and exacerbation of the crisis has put the inability and bankruptcy of this system on show. The coronavirus brought this system to its knees. Millions of defenseless people are sent to their deaths. While tens of millions have lost their jobs, the capitalist class continues to accumulate capital and increase its profits. Health, medical care, vaccines and human life are becoming the ultimate tools for profitability and capital accumulation. The priority of profit and capital over human health shows the true nature of the capitalist order and underscores the need to overthrow it and establish a new socialist order.


The Iranian working class  is today  exposed to unimaginable economic pressure and has to bear the burden of the deep economic crisis. Low wages and skyrocketing prices for basic needs, extreme poverty, unemployment and illness plague all workers.

Millions of people have lost their jobs and are left to their own devices without government support. More than 300 people die every day as a result of the Covid-19 and the misanthropic regime of the Islamic Republic does not take any serious measures to protect the population.

The open dictatorship and political tyranny of the ruling capitalist class have deprived the workers of the most basic human rights and political freedoms. Even the right to found one’s own professional associations and political organizations is trampled on and persecuted.

Every form of strike, gathering and protest is massively suppressed and with imprisonment, flogging, dismissal…. fined.

Dozens of leading workers and activists are being intimidated and persecuted everywhere. Many are already incarcerated. Despite these reprisals and the corona pandemic, the struggles of the workers continue unabated.

Hundreds of strikes and protests in the mining, steel, railways, oil and gas industries, transportation and many other industries are some examples. Social security retirees and teachers are also organizing their ongoing nationwide protests.

In addition to economic demands, the political character of these protests is becoming more and more important. The measures taken by the government have failed to achieve their goal. The struggle continues more intensely and with more determination. All attempts by the ruling class to solve the existing crises have failed. The only response from the prevailing reaction is to intensify the repression and increase brutality. The revolution is inevitable and the tasks of the proletariat in the revolution are very important and difficult. Only the working class can organize a unified nationwide movement to overthrow the regime of the Islamic Republic through nationwide economic and political struggles. The working class must prepare today to organize nationwide strikes. Secret factory and strike committees must be set up in all branches and factories. The strike coordination committee must emerge from the combination of strike committees from different areas and branches. This is an imperative in today’s phase of movement. This difficult task must be taken over and carried out by leading workers. The oil workers took the first step in this direction last year and organized a comprehensive strike in August. The Iranian working class can seriously paralyze the regime through nationwide economic and political strikes, take over the leadership of the entire movement and organize a general political strike. In doing so, it creates the basis for a victorious armed uprising of the masses and the overthrow of the ruling capitalist order. May 1st is the day of international workers’ solidarity against the capitalist order and the proclamation of the fact that there is no other way than socialism to save the working class and all of humanity from the suffering caused by capitalism.

Long live May 1st, the day of international workers’ solidarity

Down with the capitalist order –

Long live freedom Long live socialism

Down with the regime of the Islamic Republic – long live the council government

Organization of Fadaian (Aghaliyat) – Iran
