Long live May 1st, the day of international solidarity for workers in the world!
Also, this year we are celebrating "May 1st", the day of international solidarity of the working class, while the global health crisis is overshadowing the lives of workers. The corona pandemic accompanied by the economic crisis has cornered workers, wage earners and small traders. Due to the incompetence and inefficiency of those in power, this situation has worsened more than ever before and more than anywhere else.

Voices from the Iranian labor movement on May 1st, 2021
We are on the eve of May 1st Labor Day!
On Workers' Day we show our unity!
Our demands are expressed on Workers' Day!
On Workers' Day, workers in solidarity loudly express their class power and their alternative for a society free from oppression and exploitation, discrimination and disadvantage, where poverty and misery are eliminated.

Iranian women and the fatal economic consequences of the corona pandemic
The corona pandemic not only threatens the health and lives of people worldwide, it also has devastating effects on all economic, social and political aspects of human society. Negative economic growth, rising unemployment, inflation, poverty and hunger show the enormous dimensions of this catastrophe. In 2019, around 690 million people worldwide suffered from chronic hunger and malnutrition as a result of poverty. That number should already exceed almost a billion people.

Death from the coronavirus in Iran and the need to protest against the ignorance of the rulers
Vaccinations against coronavirus have been taking place around the world for a few months. Several hundred million people worldwide are thus protected against the corona virus. The record of the Iranian government and its institutions in dealing with the pandemic, their dubious statements and promises only show that their "deadly policy" will be continued.