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We condemn the heinous terrorist Crime in New Zealand!

The hatred and violence of racist terrorism that struck last Friday, March 15, in two mosques in Christchurch has killed many people.

Call for participation in the demonstration organized by French syndicates to support the labor movement in Iran!

At the same time as the annual meeting of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva, the five French Syndicates (CGT), (CFDT), (FSU), (UNSA) and Solidaries have organized a demonstration in support of the workers' movement in Iran.

We support the nationwide strike of truck drivers and strongly condemn the arrest and intimidation of strike activists!

According to the latest news reaching our organization, the security forces of the Islamic Republic are attacking and arresting workers in the nationwide strike of truck drivers in numerous cities.

Socialist Alternative Conference – Stockholm / Presse Release

"A socialist alternative is necessary and possible ", was said at the Stockholm Conference, called by six Iranian communist parties and organisations. The Conference was held on 22 September in Stockholm.

A socialist alternative is necessary and possible!

Iran is at the threshold of a crucial political development. Mass labour protests are growing everywhere and are pushing the country towards an all-out revolutionary crisis.

Under the theme "Work-Bread-Freedom" we will conquer the streets on May 1st!

This year in Iran, we celebrate May 1, the day of united struggle, under conditions that can lead to a revolution.

The imprisoned protesters in Iran are in mortal danger!

Those arrested during the recent protests are in mortal danger! Over the past 38 years, the criminals of the Islamic Republic have repeatedly shown that they want to suppress protests by killing political prisoners and trying to intimidate the masses.

Long live the 1st of May, the day of street protests and the united global struggle of the working class

Summary of the organization's declaration Fadaian (aghaliyat) on the occasion of May 1 On this day the workers of the different countries are demonstrating their united will and their class interests in the fight against capitalism…