The consistent struggle of the Iranian pensioners for social security and a life in dignity
Retirees continue to fight consistently for their legitimate claims. They have been organizing several nationwide protests for months.
Their struggle has become increasingly radical and their political character has gained in importance.

Khamenei orders the massacre of the Iranian people
On Friday morning, January 8th, 2021, Khamenei, the criminal leader of the Islamic Republic, announced in a speech broadcast live on Iranian television that "the import of corona vaccine from the USA and Great Britain (into Iran) is forbidden.

We condemn the execution of 5 political prisoners in the prisons of Mashhad and Zahedan
On December 31, 2020, 3 political prisoners from Golestan Province were executed on political charges in the Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad.

Solidarity with the workers of Haft Tapeh!
Today is the 52nd day of the workers’ strike at an agribusiness enterprise in Iran, Haft Tapeh. This historic strike is the culmination of years of struggle of these workers to stop privatizations and claim their rights.

Let us stop the new death sentence against political prisoners in Iran!
The judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran has issued a dozen new death sentences against social activists and some of the protesters arrested in the November 2019 protests.

Against racism worldwide!
Once again, an African American has fallen victim to police violence in the United States. George Floyd, 46, while under the pressure of a police officer's knee, kept repeating, "I can't breathe."

A crisis larger than 2007 crash
From years ago, the world capitalist system has shown its bankruptcy with sequential socioeconomic crises. It has shown that the time for this rotten order is over, and it should be replaced by a socialist order organised by free and equal men.

“Plot of the Century”, the continuation of US-Israel previous stratagems against the Palestinian people
Am 28. Januar hat US-Präsident Trump seinen versprochenen "Friedensplan" vorgestellt. Dieser sollte den israelisch- Palästinensischen Konflikt beenden und dem Mittleren Osten Frieden bringen.

Declaration of Solidarity of the organization Fadaian (Aghaliyat) to Turkeys striking metal workers
Fighting comrades,
we found out about your planned strike starting on February 5th, 2020. We would like to express our solidarity with your struggle and our support for your just demands.

Class struggle in France: neither calm nor compromise
The general strike in France against the government's neoliberal plans continues. There is no peace or compromise in sight.